

A Notes project represents a folder of text files on your Mac.

Notes finds and reads text files with the following file extensions: txt, mark, markdown, md, mdml, mdown, text, mdtext, mdtxt, mdwn, mkd, mkdn.

These files are automatically highlighted in Markdown.

If you are running 10.9 or later, you can also directly edit the tags of your files by double-clicking them in the left-hand items pane.

The tags you create, edit and delete are actual file system tags introduced in 10.9.

Updating Notes Folder

  1. Edit your project by opening the Switcher from the titlebar and clicking the cog icon to the right of the project name.
  2. Use the drop-down to select a different folder for your Notes.
  3. When you are ready, click ‘Done’.

Notes File Extension

By default, a Notes project saves new files with the .txt file extension.

You can change this file extension by doing the following:

  1. Edit your project by opening the Switcher from the titlebar and clicking the cog icon to the right of the project name.
  2. Enter in a different file extension.
  3. When you are ready, click ‘Done’.


If you find that your Notes are not updating, it could be that your Notes folder has become quarantined and the OS X sandbox is denying read access to it.

To determine if this is the case, you can run:

You can check if your folder has the quarantine flag set by running: ls -l@ <Path To Folder>

You can remove the quarantine flag by running: xattr -rd <Path To Folder>